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What Does Collagen Do for Your Skin?

Around 80% of our skin is made of collagen. For skin elasticity and hydration, as you age, you need to consume collagen products on a regular basis.  

The collagen protein is usually found in the middle layer of your skin. It offers a lot of benefits for your skin—from keeping it firm to maintaining its suppleness and plumpness.

But what if you are losing the natural collagen in your body?

Hydrolyzed marine collagen supplements are your knight in shining armor!

Let’s discuss what do collagen products do for your skin but first, let’s understand…


The Role of Collagen in Our Body

young vs aged skin  

If you have read our blog on multifaceted benefits of collagen, you already know that collagen is one of the main components of your skin, bones, hair, tendons, muscles, and ligaments.

Collagen is what keeps our skin from sagging, giving us that plump, youthful look.

Collagen is naturally produced by your body, but as you age, its production declines.

We start to lose collagen slowly, starting in our mid-20s. As women, we lose up to 30% of our collagen production in the first 5 years of menopause.

Many people use collagen supplements as part of their anti-aging cosmetic regimen. This is because as we age, our collagen levels decrease.


So, Do Collagen Supplements Really Work?

Collagen supplements come in powders, shots, liquids and tablets.

The question is—Do they really work?

The short answer would be YES, but let’s see how genuine marine collagen supplements benefit your skin. 


Protecting Your Skin's Natural Collagen

As the sun's ultraviolet rays damage collagen, it's important to wear sunscreen every day.

Consuming meals rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can also stop the deterioration of collagen.   

Maintaining youthful-looking skin around the face is mostly dependent on collagen.  

It gives the skin the hydration, strength, and suppleness that contribute to a complexion that is noticeably younger.  

With adequate collagen levels in your body, your skin appears:  

  • Firm and smooth   
  • Shiny and radiant
  • Vibrant and hydrated  

Younger people have higher levels of collagen, which explains why children's skin is so smooth. But as we get older, our bodies naturally produce less collagen.  

Our collagen levels start to decline in our 20s and decrease by roughly 1% annually.  

After that, our bodies can no longer produce new collagen at the rate at which it is lost. Besides, the collagen fibers weaken and thin.

It Increases the Firmness and Elasticity of Skin

 good skin vs wrinkled skin   

Smooth skin not only gives us a youthful appearance, but many of us desire our faces to maintain their firmness as we age.  

By maintaining your skin's elasticity, collagen supplements make your skin less likely to droop or become loose.  

Marine collagen supplements, including collagen peptides, vitamin C, and biotin, can surely improve skin elasticity after four weeks.

Focusing on type III collagen (or a combination of type I and type III) can help you get firm skin that "bounces back" because this kind of collagen is primarily responsible for skin elasticity and firmness. 


Helps In Blood Thinning 

Collagen helps in blood thinning to minimize obvious wrinkles and fine lines.  

Wrinkles are less prone to appear in skin with stronger connective tissue. Skin becomes less elastic and more delicate as it ages, resulting in wrinkles. The dermal layer is kept thick and moisturized by a healthy supply of collagen, which makes it less prone to wrinkle with age.  

For wrinkles, keep an eye out for type I collagen. The most bioavailable source of type I collagen is marine (fish) collagen; however, sources of bovine (beef) collagen also contain high levels of protein. 


Helps Protect Delicate & Sensitive Skin

    skin protection against UV damage

As you age, your skin changes more than just how it looks. It can also become thin and fragile due to collagen breakdown, especially due to UV rays from sun exposure.  

It may heal more slowly, split more easily, and be drier than usual. This may result in an excruciating vicious cycle.  

Collagen supplements may assist in maintaining skin thickness and help hold the dermis, or basal layer, together.  

Research has indicated increased densities in the dermis and epidermis subsequent to oral collagen administration. Thus, the discomfort associated with split and cracked skin is less likely to occur. 


Makes You Skin Glow from Within

The secret to looking youthful is to stay hydrated! But hydrated skin is healthier skin, regardless of how important "looking young" is to you.

Collagen also has the benefit of being hydrated. It affects the moisture content of your skin; thus, it can make you look radiant from the inside out.

Multiple research studies and surveys found that people who take marine collagen supplements have skin that is 7X more hydrated than those who don’t.

Hydrated skin not only makes you seem younger, but it also does a better job of removing pollutants and bacteria, delivering nutrients to your skin's cells, and flushing out toxins.

Collagen is a great place to start but drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day will maintain your body and brain in tip-top shape as well.


Which Form of Collagen Supplement Is Best for My Skin?

   benefits of collagen

Collagen supplements come in a variety of forms like collagen powder, syrup, drinking shots and collagen blends. Each offers unique benefits to your skin.


Collagen Powder 

Collagen powder is easy to incorporate into your daily life. It can be mixed with coffee, smoothies, juices or just simply water. Yonboon The Powder has type I collagen and helps in skin hydration, elasticity and overall better texture.  

Our hydrolyzed marine collagen is broken down into smaller and easy to absorb particles. This ensures effective uptake of collagen by your body

Collagen Drinking Shot  

The shots are concentrated doses of collagen that are ideal for quick consumption. Our marine collagen shot has additional skin boosting ingredients like vitamin C and offers quick outcomes. 

Collagen Syrups

Just like shots, collagen syrups are easy to use and more appealing for people with busy schedules. Yonboon The Potent Blend offers the same skin enhancing perks as our collagen powder but in a different form. Ditch pre-mature aging, dry and scaly skin with regular use of collagen supplements.




Does collagen lighten the skin? 

To some extent, collagen does lighten the skin. It works by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase (an enzyme responsible for melanin production). So, with low levels of melanin, the skin appears lighter and brighter. Collagen also helps in improving skin elasticity and hydration. 


Does collagen make skin glow? 

Absolutely yes! Collagen can make your skin glow from within. By providing elasticity, hydration and smoothness, it helps maintain your face to look young and fresh. With regular use of marine collagen supplements, you can have that perfect model-like plump and dewy skin.


Does collagen change face shape? 

If you have low levels of collagen in your skin, it can lead to thinner and loose skin—more like saggy skin. With loss of natural collagen, your cheeks might appear sunken. That’s why you need to intake good quality collagen supplements that not only improve your skin but also help in producing natural collagen in your body.


Can I reverse wrinkles with collagen? 

Yes. Regular use of collagen peptides can reduce dryness of your skin and ultimately lead to reduced wrinkles. This way, the aging process can be slowed down, and you will observe more skin elasticity. Many research studies found that women taking 2 to 10 grams of collagen supplements on a daily basis have overserved improved skin conditions.


At what age should I start thinking about collagen for skin health? 

To get the best out of your collagen products, you should start taking them in your late 20s. Our marine collagen supplements offer great results for people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. So, if we say, it’s never too late to start taking collagen, it won’t be entirely wrong!


Do collagen-boosting skincare products work for everyone? 

Yes. Most of the collagen boosting skincare products work. They help maintain skin moisture and enhance the texture. But there’s no scientific evidence that they boost collagen in your skin for real. While numerous studies have shown that consuming collagen supplements orally has resulted in better skin condition.


What role does genetics play in collagen production and skin aging? 

When we talk about collagen synthesis and pre-mature aging, genetics does play an important role. However, many environmental factors also come into consideration when it comes to the natural process of collagen production.


Can lifestyle changes alone restore collagen levels in the skin? 

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can restore collagen levels in your body to some extent. By avoiding smoking, UV rays, sugary foods and other damaging elements, you can improve your skin condition. But why not speed up the process by regular intake of supplemented collagen!


What other benefits does collagen offer beyond skin health? 

Other than benefiting your skin, collagen helps in hair and nail growth by offering shiny, lustrous hair, and strong nails. Not only that, but collagen also helps in joint support, strengthening muscles and bones. It can even help with managing your weight. 


Summing It Up

If we say that collagen is a wonder protein and aims to prevent premature aging skin by bringing shine and luster, it won’t be wrong.

By adding collagen Yonboon marine collagen to your daily routine, you can get that crystal clear and dewy skin. When taken orally, collagen supplements support your connective tissues which help in repairing your skin. This makes collagen the structural protein that helps replenish the damaged and even the dead cells in your body.  

Thus, adding collagen to your daily diet can help maintain youthful appearance and preserve elasticity in your skin.

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