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Multifaceted Benefits of Collagen: Revitalize Your Health & Body

Collagen is a magical protein in our body that supports skin health, hair and nail growth, joint health and overall body health.  

You might be aware of these common benefits of collagen. However, the perks of adding collagen to your daily routine are far beyond this.  

In this detailed blog, we will discuss the major benefits of consuming collagen supplements.  

But first, let’s see…


What Results in The Loss of Collagen?

marine collagen 

The following factors may cause collagen loss or low levels:  

oxidative stress, which is brought on by metabolic processes and lifestyle decisions like diet and smoking;  

  • Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy, menopause, and other health issues
  • Sun exposure is an important factor for collagen loss from the body. UV rays can cause the skin's collagen to break down
  • Insufficient ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which can induce scurvy

The synthesis of collagen may be impacted by specific hereditary disorders. Weak bones can result from osteogenesis imperfecta.  

The symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome—a condition in which there is weaker collagen—vary according to the individual's condition.  

Read also: Exploring Different Types of Collagen and Their Benefits


The Amazing Benefits of Collagen for Your Body

collagen supplements


  • Skin Health

Collagen may reduce wrinkles and enhance skin suppleness, according to subject matter experts.  In a recent study, the collagen-peptide group experienced improved skin hydration much quicker than the placebo (group] during a 12-week collagen supplementation period.

Wrinkling and objective changes in skin elasticity were also observed, with greater intensity in the collagen group. 


  • Supplements Help Replace What’s Naturally Lost Through Aging

    weight management

The "glue" that holds your body together is collagen. About thirty percent of the protein in your body is found in it. The issue is that during your 30s and 40s, your body begins to produce less collagen.  

Your body may begin to manufacture more collagen peptides as you age if you include them in your diet, which will improve your overall health.


  • Marine Collagen Is Easy to Digest

Following a meal, some people may have digestive symptoms like burping or stomachache because their bodies work hard to breakdown protein from sources like chicken or beef.  

However, hydrolyzed collagen supplements break down the collagen, which facilitates easier digestion by the body.  

Using collagen supplements might be a more comfortable approach to include protein in your diet. Collagen peptides are also soluble in water thanks to the hydrolyzing process, which makes incorporating them into regular meals (like smoothies or water) quite easy.

This leads to our next point…


  • Supplements Taken Orally May Improve Gut Health

There is a collagen-based "gut healing" idea about inflammatory digestive disorders like irritable bowel disease (IBD). Research indicates that patients suffering from these illnesses have lower levels of collagen.   

Adding marine collagen supplements to your daily routine can help improve your gut health.  

Read also: Why Marine Collagen is Better


  • You Might Recover More Quickly from Resistance Training

Tryptophan is an important amino acid that collagen lacks, making it an incomplete protein. However, other studies indicate that taking supplements in addition to weight training may help with healing.  

Resistance training has also been connected to decreased pain and increased strength in people who engage in it. 


  • Better Hair Growth

You have probably heard about keratin—it’s a protein that is found in your hair. The amino acids that make this protein are also found naturally in collagen.  

This means that consuming collagen orally can supply your body with the essential amino acids for keratin synthesis.  

So, if you are someone looking to prevent hair loss or want additional support for your hair growth, start taking collagen supplements now. 


  •  Improves the Blood Supply to Skin Cells

It would be surprising for you to know that collagen is also an important component of your arteries. It guarantees proper blood flow into your skin via strong yet flexible vessels. This is necessary for your skin to retain its healthy features.


  • Better Healing of Wounds

 wound healing

Collagen has an important role in muscle growth and wound healing. The fibroblasts (cells that help in synthesis of connective tissues) move easily to the site of wound with the help of collagen molecules. It also promotes growth of new blood vessels.

Fibroblasts are the most abundant type of cells that make up the connective tissues.  

Besides, collagen has a significant role in minimizing bleeding. You can apply topical collagen on your wounds without causing damage to your skin or encouraging bacterial growth.


  • Reduce joint pain

A lot of research studies have shown that taking 5 to 15 grams of collagen peptides daily can help ease joint pain, loss of functionality and joint soreness.

Many marine collagen supplements have shown positive results on people with weak joints.  

Read also: What Does Collagen Do for Your Skin


What Happens When You Take Collagen on Daily Basis?

types of collagen   

Taking collagen daily? Well, nothing bad comes out of it!

Before answering this question, let’s understand the structural importance of collagen. It is mostly made up of 3 amino acids—glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. As mentioned earlier, it is found in cartilage, skin, bones and connective tissues.

Just like other supplements, it is advisable to take collagen supplements on daily basis.  

Why is that so?

Regular intake of collagen can promote hair growth, strong joints, hydrated and moisturized skin. But remember the key is—regular intake!

Here, we need to know one thing that individual outcomes may differ but overall benefits of taking collagen on daily basis are the same.

Further research is required to estimate the clear-cut benefits of taking collagen daily.    




Are collagen supplements safe for long-term use? 

Yes. Collagen hydrolyzed marine collagen supplements are safe to use for long term usage. You can take collagen peptides (with dosage up to 10 gram per day) for five or more months without worrying about any major risks. There are hardly any side effects or disadvantages of collagen supplements.


What's the recommended dosage of collagen supplements for different benefits? 

collagen dosage
Many recent studies show that doctors recommend taking 2.5 to 15 grams of hydrolyzed marine collagen peptides for effective outcomes and better results. 

How soon can I expect to see results after starting collagen supplementation? 

Collagen is available in multiple concentrations and recommended frequency ranges. The majority of research indicates that with regular use, you should start to notice advantages in 4–12 weeks. Skin moisture significantly increased after eight weeks, with preliminary findings appearing in four weeks.

Are there any potential side effects associated with collagen supplements? 

Taking collagen supplements doesn’t have any prominent risks. Minor side effects can include mild diarrhea or heaviness in your stomach.

Are collagen supplements suitable for individuals with allergies or sensitivities? 

Most collagen supplements are sourced from animal sources. Bovine collagen comes from cow hides and marine collagen comes from fish skin. So, collagen sourced from shellfish, or some bovine animals may trigger allergic responses or sensitivities in those who are sensitive to these things. Otherwise, collagen supplements are safe to use.


Can collagen reverse severe skin aging or deep wrinkles? 

Yes! Collagen peptide supplements can be consumed to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin, and sagging skin. Your diet breaks down collagen in your stomach, which then metabolizes and enters your bloodstream to produce skin. Thus, resulting in hydrated and plump skin.


Is collagen halal? 

Marine collagen is halal as it comes from fish skin and scales. There might be some concerns with bovine (cow) collagen depending on the extraction methods. However, porcine (pig) collagen is not halal and can’t be suitable to consume by Muslims. Yonboon marine collagen shots are made from 100 percent halal sources.  


Can I obtain enough collagen from my diet, or do I need supplements?

collagen from food
Collagen production can be naturally increased with a healthy, balanced diet that includes lots of protein-rich meals, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as a decrease in harmful lifestyle choices. When you start to notice indications of aging in your body, you can also begin taking collagen supplements.


At what age should I take collagen?

When you start to see the more obvious indications of aging, especially about the age of twenty to twenty-five, you can start taking collagen supplements as a preventative measure. Our experts advise you to start taking collagen in your early to mid-20s to avoid the body's aging-related natural depletion.


Which type of collagen is the best?

There are several types of collagen. Type I, type II and type III are the most common ones. Each type has its own perks and benefits. To choose the one that is most appropriate for you, take our quiz here. 


What lifestyle habits damage collagen?

Three key factors—sunlight, smoking, and sugar—will reduce your collagen levels in addition to time. When exposed to excessive UV radiation, the fibers get unraveled. Wrinkles caused by sun exposure may result from this. Skin can become damaged by several of the chemicals in cigarette smoke, which can cause wrinkles and sagging.


The Bottom Line 

  collagen powder supplement

Well, we can surely say that collagen is a simple solution for revitalized, plump-looking skin! Collagen can be used to revitalize dry skin, fill up tired skin, and give your skin a young appearance.  

With collagen, you can feel confident going out without having to hide wrinkles and dark circles. Give your skin the proper amount of complexity and hydration. It's time for you to feel confident in your skin again!

Yonboon Marine collagen supplements have become more and more well-liked. Our collagen powder can be used in multiple recipes (smoothies and drinks). For more information, check here.

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