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Is Marine Collagen Better Than Bovine?

Many scientific studies have revealed that up until the early 20s, our bodies synthesize collagen and after the age of 25, there is a decline in collagen production.  

Collagen is essential for skin hydration and elasticity, hair and nail growth, better joint support and more. That’s why it is important to supplement your diet with high-quality collagen products. But with so many types and sources of collagen and how can you decide which source is best for you?

We are here to help you decide!

With two major sources of collagen—marine and bovine—let’s discuss which source is better and why.  

So, let’s get started.

3 Major Types of Collagen

Type I: It is the most common protein in our body and makes up to 90% of collagen protein). This type is suitable for skin, bones, tendons and ligaments.

Type II: This collagen type is most common in cartilage and is ideal for cushioning joints.  

Type III: Type III collagen offers structure to connective tissues, intestinal cells and skin. 

Bovine Collagen

bovine collagen   

Bovine collagen is derived from cows (beef). After the beef has been consumed as food, collagen is obtained from the cowhides. There are many forms of bovine collagen, such as shots, powders, tablets and liquids. 


  • An economical substitute: Bovine collagen is a bit reasonable in pricing as compared to marine collagen. It can be a great option if you are allergic to shellfish. But note that there might be chances of contamination in collagen derived from cows. And we all know, cheap doesn’t always mean better!
  • Better for joint support: By stimulating cartilage synthesis, bovine collagen can help in osteoarthritis and other joint problems. Consuming high-quality collagen can help minimize stiffness in hips, hands, knees and other parts of the body.

Related: Why Marine Collagen is Better

bovine collagen supplements

  • Discomfort with digestion: Around 10-15% of individuals may experience digestive discomfort like upset stomach or bloating if they intake bovine collagen supplements.  
  • Sensitivities and allergies: Around 5 to 10 percent of people are sensitive to bovine collagen.
  • Low bioavailability: Bovine collagen shows limited bioavailability than other sources of collagen. This makes it hard to digest by your body.
Read also: Exploring Different Types of Collagen and Their Benefits 

Marine Collagen

marine collagen

Marine (fish) collagen is a type I collagen and is most effective in rebuilding the body. It has been used in the cosmetic sector for a very long time as it enhances skin appearance and hydration. Those who don’t consume beef items can clearly benefit from marine collagen supplementation.  

Marine collagen is nowadays trendy in the market and appealing to most of the consumers. As marine collagen is sourced via highly sustainable processes, it has reduced environmental impact and is considered safe.


  • Higher bioavailability: As marine collagen is the purest and hydrolyzed form of collagen, it is highly bioavailable. High bioavailability means that it can be quickly absorbed in the body, showing fast results.  
  • Cleaner source of collagen: Unlike land animals, fish and other marine creatures show less risk of contamination (hormones and diseases). That’s why marine collagen is considered the purest, safest and cleanest form of collagen.
  • Available in various forms: Another good thing about marine collagen is that it comes in multiple forms, powders, shots, liquid blends, syrups, tablets, etc.


  • A bit expensive: As marine collagen is highly pure and sourced using high-end techniques, it is a bit expensive. But when it comes to your health and well-being, nothing sounds that expensive!
  • Minimal chances of allergies: marine collagen is the cleanest of all sources of collagen and is considered safe. However, there may be a few allergens present in marine collagen that can cause certain sensitivities.  
  • Taste and odor: A few people have reported that there is a specific oceanic smell of marine collagen supplements. This makes it difficult to consume. However, Yonboon marine collagen supplements come in unflavored options. 


Is bovine collagen halal?

Well, that highly depends on the production method and the accurate source. The extraction procedure for bovine collagen includes boiling animal bones in water. The collagen appears on the surface and is dried afterwards in the form of powder. This procedure is halal, which makes bovine collagen halal. 
However, not all types of bovine collagen are halal, so it is important to read the product labels for 100% accuracy. 

Is marine collagen halal?

Yes. Marine collagen is 100% halal as it is derived from the scales and bones of fish. There are neither any ethical concerns nor dietary limitations when it comes to marine collagen supplements. 

Is marine collagen suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Here we should understand that marine collagen is fish collagen and not derived from a plant-based source. So, people practicing a vegan diet should read labels from consuming collagen supplements. 

Can collagen supplements help with joint pain and arthritis?

Certainly yes. Marine collagen supplements with type I collagen can help in joint support and muscle mass. Taking hydrolyzed marine collagen can improve the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Are there any age restrictions for taking collagen supplements?

Usually, there are no age limitations for consuming collagen supplements. It is advisable to start taking collagen supplements in your late 20s or early 30s to see noticeable results and effective outcomes. 

Can collagen be obtained from other sources besides marine and bovine?

Yes. Other than marine and bovine, collagen can be obtained from porcine, chicken and vegan sources. One important thing to note here is that vegan collagen products are not 100 percent collagen. 

Do collagen supplements interact with other dietary supplements or medications?

If we talk about the interactions between collagen supplements and medications, there are no certain interactions. Consuming excessive amounts of collagen can somehow disrupt your body’s functions.  

Read also: What Does Collagen Do for Your Skin 

So, Marine Collagen or Bovine Collagen? Which Should be Your Ideal Choice?

bovine vs marine collagen
Marine collagen is absorbed up to 2X more effectively into the body as compared to bovine collagen.  

Why is that so?

Because of the smaller particle size of marine collagen, your body can quickly and easily uptake and transport collagen peptides to bones, skin and joints. As marine collagen peptides are absorbed faster and enter the bloodstream, they are considered the best source for your skin. Yonboon marine collagen are highly refined supplements that are free from any unpleasant fishy smell while maintaining its nutritional value.

Now you know the main difference between bovine collagen and marine collagen is the source. Other than that, there is difference between the type of collagen in each, so it is ideal to choose the collagen supplement wisely.

Well, bovine collagen is not an ideal option for vegans or those who do not eat meat for cultural or religious purposes. Here’ marine collagen is your savoir!

Likewise, if you have allergies or sensitivity to fish, bovine collagen could be a better choice. Due to the bioavailability of marine collagen, Yonboon premium marine collagen supplements are gaining immense popularity not only in the UAE but all over the Middle East. Our collagen supplements have all the relevant nutrients that can make collagen absorption and digestion effective. 

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