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Why marine is better?

Ditch Your Bovine Collagen 

for Marine Collagen - here is why! 


When it comes to supporting our skin, hair, and joints, ingestible collagen has taken the wellness world by storm, and research continues to shed light on the ways it vitalizes the human body. And as you might already know, there are two main sources of collagen on the market: bovine collagen, derived from cows, and marine collagen which is sourced from fish – typically from the skin of wild-caught cod that are not at risk of being endangered. 

In this blog, we would like to introduce you to the 5 main reasons why these two types of collagen aren’t exactly the same, and why the oceanic gem might just be the superior choice for your beauty, health needs and the environment. 


Marine collagen boasts an advantage right from the start - its superior bioavailability. This means that our bodies can absorb and utilize marine collagen more efficiently compared to bovine collagen. The smaller molecular size of marine collagen makes it easier for our cells to access the building blocks, resulting in better skin, hair, and joint support. 

Purity and Sustainability 

The collagen derived from marine sources is renowned for its purity. Unlike bovine collagen, which may come from farmed animals exposed to various substances, marine collagen is often sourced from wild-caught fish. As a result, it is less likely to contain harmful contaminants, making it a safer option. 

Additionally, sustainable fishing practices are becoming increasingly common in the marine collagen industry. With responsible sourcing, we can protect marine ecosystems while reaping the benefits of this incredible collagen. 


Type I Collagen Domination 

Collagen is made up of different types, but the one we're most interested in for skin, hair, and joint health is Type I collagen. Marine collagen is primarily composed of Type I collagen, which happens to be the most abundant type found in our bodies. By supplementing with marine collagen, we are directly providing the essential building blocks our bodies need for optimal collagen production. 

Rich in Antioxidants
natural antioxidants

The ocean is an abundant source of antioxidants that benefit our bodies. Marine collagen contains antioxidants like astaxanthin and vitamin E, which help combat free radicals that contribute to aging and cellular damage. This natural bonus gives marine collagen an edge over bovine collagen, making it a holistic approach to maintaining youthful skin and a healthy body. 

Versatility and Taste 

One common concern when choosing a collagen supplement is the taste. Thankfully, marine collagen comes to the rescue! It's often described as tasteless or having a mild oceanic flavor, making it easier to incorporate into your favorite beverages and dishes without altering their taste.

While both marine and bovine collagen have their merits, marine collagen stands out as a superior option for many. With its high bioavailability, purity, sustainability, Type I collagen dominance, and added antioxidant benefits, it's no wonder that marine collagen is making waves in the wellness community. 

If you're ready to support your skin, hair, and joints with a natural boost from the ocean's depths, consider making the switch to Yonboon premium marine collagen. Not only will you be doing something wonderful for your body, but you'll also be contributing to the preservation of our oceans and their delicate ecosystems. 

Dive into our world by finding your perfect collagen match [link to quiz page] and start a 90-day course to see the health difference for yourself! Your body and the environment will thank you for it.

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