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What Type of Collagen Is Best? A Guide to Optimal Wellness

With all the hype about collagen supplements, you might be confused about what to choose, what type is the best, which form you should take, and many other things.

Let’s make it easy for you. Here are the most common types of collagen that you should know about. Read on to know what type is best for you.


Collagen Type I

Collagen type I is the most common type of collagen protein that is important for healthy skin, connective tissues and strong bones.

Collagen fibrils form a matrix that is vital for the functionality of connective tissues, skin and bones.  

The importance of type I collagen in your body can be highlighted by the fact that...

People with type I collagen mutations develop osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos disease.

Most of the body’s dense connective tissues are composed of collagen fibers (a.k.a ropes). These large eosinophilic fibers are formed by type I collagen.

Also, type I collagen preserves the level of collagen in your skin, bones and joints. 

Osteoporosis and Type I Collagen

 marine collagen

Osteoporosis is a condition in which you have weak bones and joints. Type I collagen is responsible for strong bones and healthy joints. Inadequate collagen levels in your body can cause weak and deteriorating bones.   

The post-translational modifications of type I collagen occur in the bone cells. This leads to their therapeutic importance for the study of osteoporosis and other metabolic bone disorders.  

With proper nutrition, physical activity and collagen supplements, osteoporosis can be avoided in middle aged people. 

Collagen Type II 

Type II collagen is another important type and is frequently found in many collagen supplements.  

Even though type I and type II collagen are more common in your body, the later type of collagen is extremely significant for metabolic activities. It is the primary building block of cartilage and beneficial to the overall skeletal system.  

Supplements with type II collagen are usually made from chicken bones and are considered bovine originated collagen.  

This type improves joint health and is helpful for people with osteoarthritis. If you are someone with swollen, painful and inflammatory joints, type II collagen products are your way to go.  

By increasing joint flexibility, they relieve joint pain alongside supporting the overall condition of your connective tissues. 


Collagen Type III 

Type III collagen is vital for the formation and functioning of your organs (uterus, colon, etc.), blood vessels and skin. It is typically found in the bone marrow and reticular fibers and helps in the early stages of the wound healing process.  

It is also ideal for preventing signs of premature aging as it keeps the skin supple and firm. Type III collagen-rich products are usually sourced from cows. These supplements aid in strengthening blood vessels and improving overall cardiovascular health.

There's more.

It is essential for muscle mass formation. As it helps in the preservation of the structure of muscle fibers, it is beneficial for people who work out frequently—we call them athletes!


Collagen Type IV 

This type of collagen is vital for maintaining the health of tissues found in the kidney, lungs and the blood-brain barrier.

Type IV collagen helps prevent the entry of other chemicals and harmful substances into the skin from the organs.

It is typically found in egg whites and shell membranes. Supplements with type IV collagen can greatly enhance skin health and speed up the healing of wounds.  

Such supplements can also help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging.  


Collagen Type V

Collagen type V helps in the arrangement and organization of collagen fibers in our bodies.  

Collagen type V is usually found in combination with type I collagen in our body. It is found in numerous connective tissues, including our skin and tendons.  

It helps in the organization and arrangement of collagen fibers in our body and supports the stability and structure of placenta. It also has structural importance in maintaining our cornea and hair health.


So, What Type of Collagen Should I Use?

Collagen is a broad family of proteins that the human body employs for a variety of functions. If you have enough information about the various varieties of collagen, you can choose the best collagen supplement for yourself.

If taking collagen for its anti-aging and cosmetic advantages is your ultimate goal, you should choose a supplement with a high collagen type I content.

Type I collagen, which makes up the majority of marine collagen, is well-known for improving skin health by encouraging suppleness and lessening the appearance of wrinkles.

The benefits of our premium marine collagen on skin have been professionally verified. Our supplements have reported smoothing fine wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity and hydration.


Can I Take Collagen from Food?

  fish collagen

Skin health and general well-being are supported by a nutritious, well-balanced diet that includes sources of collagen protein.  

In addition to being high in collagen, foods like fish, poultry, bone broth, and cattle also include vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Eating these foods can support the production of natural collagen in your body as well as overall good skin health.

However, most studies show that proven effects of collagen-based food are often lacking.

Eating protein might give your body the building blocks it needs to produce the collagen it requires. And that covers items included in your diet such as fish, eggs, and lean protein. Dietary protein is essential for skin structure and repair.

Eating a well-balanced diet that includes animal and fish proteins but focuses on foods high in antioxidants, such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, and legumes, can slow down the aging process of the skin and promote the appearance of younger-looking skin.

There are a lot of perks and benefits for collagen peptides. Many studies have shown positive effects on patients with osteoarthritis and pre-mature aging. 


What’s The Best Type (And Form) of Collagen?

  flavor and form of collagen 

Hydrolyzed marine collagen supplements are best for your overall well-being. Our supplements are rich in type I collagen and come in a variety of forms such as:


Yonboon The Potent Blend

Yonboon The Potent Blend
Yonboon The Potent Blend has a double strength formula. It ensures your skin regenerates faster, protects cells from oxidative stress, reduces wrinkles and restores a youthful appearance.


Yonboon The Blend

Yonboon The Blend
Yonboon The Blend is a combination of collagen, hyaluronic acid and resveratrol that nourishes the skin from within.


Yonboon The Powder

Yonboon The Powder
Yonboon The Powder offer long-term support for joint health. It also combats the common signs of ageing such as fine lines, brittle nails and weak hair. It comes in two options (flavored and unflavored)


Yonboon The Shot

Yonboon The Shot
Yonboon The Shot restores hydration and moisture to skin, improves skin elasticity and strengthens hair and nails. It also helps in supporting joint health.


How Collagen Helps Your Body?

Most of the supplements are meant to restore damaged collagen in your body. They can also benefit certain medical conditions such as:
  • Heart conditions: Another important aspect of the body that depends on collagen is the blood flow and arteries. Collagen peptide supplements may help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases—all by maintaining healthy arteries and blood flow.
  • Weak cartilage: Many scientific studies have discussed the connection between collagen supplements and prevention of osteoarthritis. This highlights the fact that collagen can support weak and damaging cartilage in your body. collagen for strong muscles
  • Sarcopenia: It is the loss of muscle and strength in your body as you get older. With less physical activity, your muscles become weak causing decreased muscle mass. This condition can cause problems with basic day-to-day activities such as walking, getting up from a chair, carrying grocery bags, etc. By doing exercise and taking collagen supplements regularly, you can prevent this condition.


Are there any potential side effects associated with taking collagen?

Honestly speaking, No!

Collagen supplements have very little to no major negative effects. A few people may experience mild stomachache, digestive problems or a bad taste in their mouth after taking collagen products.  

If you experience any other symptoms other than the ones mentioned above, we advise you to consult your doctor. As individual responses and overall health condition matters a lot when taking supplements.  

If you are taking low grade collagen supplements that promote the synthesis of collagen, you might experience an increase in oxidative stress inside your body.

And why is that so?

This happens when your body produces too many free radicals and is unable to handle the stress. This oxidative stress can cause harm to your tissues and cells.  

So, it is advisable to take premium quality marine collagen supplements for effective results. 


Do collagen supplements work equally well for men and women? 

Yes. Collagen supplements are equally good for both men and women. Regular intake of collagen products offers various benefits ranging from maintaining the strength of our bones and joints to keeping our skin smooth and moisturized.


Can collagen supplements replace a healthy diet for maintaining skin and joint health? 

No. collagen supplements are meant to complement your and diet does not replace it. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet, and regularly consuming collagen supplements, you can improve collagen levels in your body.


Final Word

Hydrolyzed marine collagen supplements might be your ideal option if you want to boost collagen synthesis in your body.

We advise you to adhere to a balanced diet since it is crucial for overall health. Topical collagen products might not be as beneficial. So, consuming oral marine collagen supplements is your way to go! Check our top-of-the-line premium collagen products. 

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